Monday, February 22, 2010

Exciting New Research

Everybody knows that life in the 21st century is full of stresses. Bills, traffic, and deadlines are just the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, we are not genetically programmed to deal with chronic stress, and eventually it leads to a break down of every tissue of our bodies, except for one (belly fat).

Neurons lose their connections, bones lose their density, muscles lose mass, and ligaments and tendons become weak. I see this in my practice as people who keep getting injured. They try to get started on a fitness program, but before long they are side-lined with a new, or recurring, injury.

Without getting too technical, the chemical mediators of this problem are an increase in the stress hormone cortisol and a decrease in testosterone. This reversal of normal, healthy levels starts around age 30. (This is true for both men and women, but since women make only about 10% as much testosterone as men, the loss is even more significant.) This imbalance is called Metabolic Syndrome, and is associated with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety, etc.

The good news is that a recent placebo-controlled, double-blind study of XanGo Juice and Eleviv showed the restoration of metabolic balance to more youthful levels of cortisol and testosterone, with an associated elevation in mood and vigor.

You can test your personal vigor at To find out how you can raise your Vigor score by restoring your metabolic balance, read more at the web site or contact me directly for a free phone consultation.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Online Scheduling Is Up and Running

It's easy to use, and takes just a few minutes to register. What is it? It's my new online booking site: Once you register, you will be able to book appointments, reschedule, and cancel from the convenience of your computer or smart phone. 

Just one tip for people already receiving care: you will select times by choosing from Network TableOne, Network TableTwo, or Network TableThree (this will make sense once you get to that point in the process). 

Contact me if you have any questions!